A Message from Our CEO

Welcome to the Serenity Knolls website, and thank you for taking the time to learn more about our facility.  We at Serenity Knolls recognize the painful impact that addiction has on individuals along with their friends and family, and with that we take seriously the importance of finding the best fit for your recovery journey.

First, I would like to commend you for exploring your treatment options.  Whether you are seeking treatment for yourself or for someone you care about, this is a crucial step in working towards change.  Given that over 98% of our staff are themselves in recovery, we deeply empathize with the challenges that come with getting sober as well as the overwhelming hope that is available to all those seeking sobriety.  While that might seem like a bold statement, our personal and professional experiences have shown this to be true.  We invite you to take your time in looking through our website as our foremost aim is for you find the help best suited to your needs and assist you in any way possible on the path to sobriety.


Catherine McQuilkin
Chief Executive Officer
Serenity Knolls

Facility Interior
Individuals doing Yoga
Individuals in Circle Talking
Facility Pool and Basketball Court
Facility Exterior
Individuals Sitting and Talking
Individuals Sitting at Tables
Individuals Playing Basketball

My mental health suffered from my addiction and it was too much for me to deal with. With the help of my family, they admitted me to Serenity Knolls for co-occurring disorders treatment. This facility helped me tremendously.

– James W.